The publication with our films and projects.
Urządzenie do kontrolowania wielokanałowej projekcji.
Projekt dofinansowany ze środków stypendium artystycznego Prezydenta Wrocławia.
made for Punto y Raya Festival 2021 online edition
Introduction to the process of “Pocket Cinema”
audio-visual projections on the walls of buildings located in the city of Wrocław
kinoMANUAL was invited to this-year edition to present live audio-visual show based on “Milky Medium” project.
Live show at Up To Date Festival 2020.
Pin Park & kinoMANUAL show at Up To Date Festival 2020 streamed online.
Published in "Kino" monthly magazine
Analog tribe! Unite, quickly learn polish and read this fabulous text by Adrianna Prodeus about kinoMANUAL and our workroom!
full analog documetation - watch it digitally
First meeting for artist’s run analog labs in Nordic and Baltic countries in Vilnus. As the active members, we represented Filmverkstaden from Vaasa.
O!Pla Polish Animation Festival
“25/25” won III Prize during O!Pla Polish Animation Festival FORMANIMY section